Let’s Learn Japanese Miracle Dialect: Kansai Ben! | Guidable - Your Guide to a Sustainable, Wellbeing-centred Life in Japan

Let’s Learn Japanese Miracle Dialect: Kansai Ben!

By Guidable Writers Jun 24, 2017

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Have you ever heard of any Kansai Ben (Osaka dialect) such as Nandeyanen(なんでやねん)or Bochi bochi denna(ぼちぼちでんな)from TV, or Anime like Detective Conan(コナン)and felt interested in it? Have you ever imagined how fun and useful it would be if you could master Kansai Ben?

Well, then here’s the event we throw for you.

<Kansai-Ben seminar>

We are holding Kansai Ben event called Kansai Ben seminar where you will learn Kansai Ben and get Kansai spirit. We are holding this event every 2 weeks at Harajuku. Everybody who wanna learn Kansai Ben is welcome.

<Why we started>

Because we wanted to expand the miracle language; Kansai Ben and make people happy. Kansai Ben is the most unique and funniest dialect in Japan. If you speak it, you can make people around you happy and by seeing it, you can be happy too.

<Outline of the event>

In this event, there are 3 parts, Lecture, Practice, and Contest.

<Kansai Ben lecture>

In the first part, you will hear Kansai Ben lecture. In the lecture, you will learn..

1.Where Kansai Ben came from

2.Basic Kansai Ben grammar

3.10 useful Kansai Ben phrases

4.Kansai spirit ; such as the best timing to say Nandeyanen, how you express yourself just like Kansai people(関西人)

Here in this first part, you will get basic Kansai Ben knowledge such as its interesting history, how it sounds different from normal Japanese spoken in Tokyo(標準語), and how Kansai people actually speak them. So after this lecture, you already got the first step to become Kansai people, and ready for the next step…

<Practice Kansai Ben with Native Kasai Ben speakers>

In the second part, you will…

1.practice 10 useful Kansai Ben phrases with Native Kansai Ben speakers.

2.get how to speak just like Kansai people by learning from Native Kansai Ben speakers.

Kansai Ben has its unique words and intonations. Even for Japanese people who don’t speak Kansai Ben, it is not easy to master them. However, in this part of the event, by learning from Native Kansai Ben speakers, you will get higher level than other Japanese people who don’t speak Kansai Ben. Then you are ready to move on to…

<Kansai Ben contest>

In the third part, we will do Kansai Ben contest. In the contest, your group will make one conversation sentence by using these 10 useful Kansai phrases you learned in the second part.

This last part covers what we learned together in this event. After you finished this contest, we confirm that you are now Kansai people!! So after that, you can be confident going to any Kansai area, speaking with Kansai people, and even saying that you have Kansai spirit.

Thank you for reading until here. You are now getting to the first step to become Kansai jin by reading this article. Again, this event is for everybody who want to learn Kansai Ben. Let’s learn Kansai Ben with us! Please check out the details of evet below. .

<Event Details>

Date: every 2 weeks (usually second and fourth week)

Place: Harajuku

Number of people: Around 10

Fee: 500 yen for each event

Please join our event pages on Facebook by clicking here
