Have Some Oysters, Standard of Winter Food | Guidable - Your Guide to a Sustainable, Wellbeing-centred Life in Japan

Have Some Oysters, Standard of Winter Food

By Guidable Writers Dec 1, 2016

The Best Season’s in the Air

Do you know when the best season of oyster is? It is these months which have the letter “R”. It specifically means from the middle of October to the middle of April, and it is about time to have some oysters! In Japan, you can eat oysters in several styles; Japanese, French, etc. Here are some suggestions to enjoy eating oysters more.


Broiled Oyster at Oyster House – Good Place to Enjoy Eating

Broiled could be the best way to eat oyster here in Japan. Even several restaurants serve it, it is exceptionally better to eat at BBQ style restaurants called “kakigoya” (oyster house). Its feature is BBQ style; you can cook by yourself. Not only oysters, it also has fresh seafood like turban shell, abalone, octopus, etc. Oyster houses are mainly located in Hiroshima Pref. as seasonal business, however, some oyster houses are also located in other cities. More detail of oyster house in Hiroshima; www.hiroshima-oyster.com/ (Japanese only).


Grilled Shellfish – Taste at French Restaurant

Not only in Japan, oyster is also known for winter food in France. Even French people eat oyster raw, Chez Yamarai French Restaurant in Hiroshima has served its winter signature Grilled Shellfish since 1945. It is made by locally-raised oyster, and you can taste oyster in different 5 styles. Grilled Shellfish is included with lunch/dinner course as an appetizer from the middle of October to the middle of April, and the restaurant calls it “The ‘R’ Months”. Chez Yamarai has its brunch Bistro Yamarai in Sendai, Miyagi Pref. which is also known for an oyster raising area. Grilled Shellfish is also available at Sendai location, and it is kind of assistance to tsunami affected areas. That is why Yamarai opens its brunch there. Hiroshima location’s detail; www.chez-yamarai.com/index.html (Japanese only), and Sendai location’s detail; www.bistro-yamarai.com/en/index.html. Sendai location has its e-mail, but if you want to reserve Hiroshima location, only phone is accepted.


Deep Fry – The Best Way at Home

Deep fried oyster might be the best way to cook and taste oyster at home. Though it seems to be western cuisine, but it is also kind of the other side of Japanese food. Because oyster contains several nutrition which is good for the prevention of colds like zinc, taurine, glycogen, etc., you should actively have oyster especially in winter. You can check its recipe at www.nisshin-oillio.com/kitchen/recipe/vol3.html (Japanese only).

