I’m sure you’re familiar with many Christmas games, but do you know what kind of Christmas games in Japan are played? In Japan, most of us are not Christian, but we still celebrate Christmas day. Normally, it is a romantic day for couples in Japan, but it can also be a fun time for families and friends.
Many people even hold Christmas parties in their homes. So what do we do? We play Christmas games and also enjoy various dishes like fried chicken. But what kind of games, you may be wondering.
Here’s a list of games we like to play on Christmas, if you’re hosting your own party you may want to play one of these at your party.
Christmas Games in Japan to Try This Year!
Gift Exchange (Purezento Kokan プレゼント交換)
Image Credit: Canva
Like the traditional gift giving on Christmas, people in Japan also partake in this tradition but with a twist. Christmas games in Japan often involve gift exchanging. Depending on what you agree on within your guests, will determine how the gift giving is done. In Japan, this activity is usually done towards the end of the party and is usually a highlight of the night. Typical gifts given (price limit included) at a Japanese Christmas party are snacks, stationary, and Christmas decorations. This is definitely a game to look forward too!
<How to play>
At the beginning of the party, collect all gifts purchased for the game and write a number on each gift.
Put them somewhere, like under the Christmas tree, during the party.
At the end of the party, let everyone sit in a circle and put all the gifts in the middle of a circle.
Let everyone take one numbered ticket from a container.
Let everyone take a numbered gift with the same number as their ticket
Open and enjoy seeing who gets what!
<Things to prepare>
・Gift (average maximum price is 500 yen)
・Numbered tickets (if you don’t have any, just write numbers on a piece of paper!)
Bingo (ビンゴ)
Image Credit: Canva
A popular game in Japan, which also happens to be on our list of favorite Christmas games in Japan. It is commonly played in weddings, welcome parties, company parties, and year-end parties. If simple gift exchanges aren’t part of your party then this could be your next best option. Typically the host will collect all gifts and use them as prizes for those who win bingo. The game is played until everyone has gotten a gift. This is another fun way to partake in gift giving among friends, family, or co-workers.
<Things to prepare>
・Bingo cards (you can find them at Daiso!)
・Bingo machine
・Gifts (corresponding to the number of persons joining the party. Better to spend more money for superiors)
・Pen and paper (It is better to write down numbers that have already been drawn)
<How to play>
Put gifts on the table (everything should be wrapped, as it’d make everyone excited!).
Pass out a Bingo card to everyone, and have them make a hole in the ‘Free’ space.
Pick a number with the Bingo machine, and have people punch the space if they have the number.
If punched numbers almost make either a vertical, horizontal or diagonal line, but one number is still missing, it is called ‘reach’.
If someone completely makes a line, and they call ‘Bingo’ then you may give a gift from the pile (or let them choose!)
Repeat until everyone gets a gift!
Russian Mini Puff Tree (ロシアンミニシューツリー)
Many are familiar with Russian roulette, a game which has been interpreted in many countries. An unlikely Christmas game but nonetheless on our list of Christmas games in Japan. In Japan, Russian roulette is played with cream puffs or sushi! One out of all of them will contain something spicy, like wasabi. Everyone goes around picking a puff or sushi, after everyone has one, everyone eats them at the same time. Those who guess who got the spicy one will be the winner.
<Things to prepare>
・cream puffs or sushi
・wasabi, mustard or tabasco, etc…
<How to play>
Put wasabi (or other spicy food) in a few puffs and pile them up like a Christmas tree.
Divide everyone into 2 groups
One group is ‘Eater’ and the other is ‘Observer’.
All members of the ‘Eater’ team have to act like, ‘it’s delicious!’ even if you eat a terrible one!
‘Observer’ team discusses and chooses who they think is the unlucky person/people.
Teams switch sides and repeat.
The team which made the most correct guesses is the winner.
Passing Bomb (Bakudanmawashi Gemu 爆弾回しゲーム)
Image Credit: Canva
In this game, you have to pass around the ‘bomb’ which is obviously not a real bomb, but a ball or balloon instead. Before passing the bomb, you have to say a word related to the predetermined “theme”, or subject. When the timer beeps, the person who is holding the ‘bomb’ is the loser. In Japan, if you lose a game, we often make them do some punishment in front of everyone! For example, make them do an impression of an animal, trying to be a comedian, writing the letters of your name with your hips, and drinking juice such as orange juice with wasabi are common and funny ideas!
<Things to prepare>
・a ball (anything is ok to use as the “bomb”)
・timer (or Music)
<How to play>
Everyone sits in a circle.
Decide a ‘theme’, such as Japanese food, animal and colour, etc…
Set the timer for 3mins (changeable!).
Start timer, pass the ‘bomb’ to the person to your right after saying a word related to the ‘theme’.
Repeat this until the timer rings.
The person who is holding the ‘bomb’ when the timer beeps has to do a ‘punishment’.
Shotoku Taishi Game (聖徳太子ゲーム)
Christmas games in Japan are not always related to Christmas, and this one certainly is an interesting one. Do you know Shotoku Taishi (聖徳太子)? He lived from 574-622, which is in the Asuka period. He’s known as an amazing person not only for politics, but he was also believed to have mysterious powers! One of the legends about him is that he can understand what 10 people say at the same time! Whether this is true or not, this game came from this story. This game involves someone who has amazing listening skills with a knack for multi-tasking. One person will have to listen to seven people saying keywords given to them, and by the end of it the listener will have to try and guess as many as they can. So, how many people can you listen to and understand at the same time?
<Things to prepare>
・answers (Vocabulary or short sentences)
<How to play>
Choose 1 person to listen and 7 people to give the key words to.
Tell the 7 people the key words they will be saying to the listener before the game begins.
Set the timer for 1 minute, have the 7 people say their key words loudly to the listener again and again.
After the time is up, the listener has to say as many vocabulary words as they heard.
The person who gets the most correct answers is the winner.
What Christmas Games in Japan Will You Try?
Whether you decide to hold your own Christmas party or you’ve been invited to one, its good to know what you can plan or prepare yourself for. Christmas in Japan, although not a religious holiday, can be a fun and exciting way to spend the holidays. Even if you are not familiar with the Christmas games in Japan, you can learn something new and perhaps integrate it into your yearly celebrations. Will you be trying any of these fun activities?
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Featured Image Credit: Canva