What’s your plan for winter holidays Japan?Are you planning to go travelling? Going back to your hometown to see your family?Some of you may want to work as part-time jobs in winter season to keep some cash.Winter season, especially just from Christmas Eve to New Year holidays, offering for part-time jobs sharply increase and don’t miss it if you want to work in these terms in Japan.There are many contracts for work such as daily installment, high income, flex time, start without experience, receiving students and fare grant for part-time jobs in Japan for foreigners.
Here are 3 recommended part-time jobs for foreigners to work in winter season.If you’re thinking what to work in winter holidays in Japan, please refer the follows.
1. Selling the Christmas cakes
If you’re thinking to work just for short terms (couple of days or weeks), this can be one of the choice.Many Japanese people buy Christmas cakes every year and people sell them at the cake shops, shopping malls and even at the convenience stores.Since it’s highly demanded and the best sales season once in a year, companies try to hire many staffs this season.You will be very busy for selling but you get expensive payment for hourly fees or day pay due to peak season. Since it’s quite popular part-time jobs, apply immediately if you’re interested before they close the list.
What do you imagine for Christmas cake?
Each countries have different style of Christmas cakes such as follows:
・Buche de Noel (France)
・Stollen (Germany)
・Christmas pudding (England)
・Panettone (Italy)
・Gugelhupf (Austria)
・Turron (Spain)
・Beigli (Hungary)
・Joulutortut (Finland)
・Pepparkaka (Sweden)
In Japan, major Christmas cake is “Sponge Strawberry Cake decorated with whipped cream” and you see this kind of cakes everywhere in Japan.Normally people may make Christmas cakes at their home in other countries, but many Japanese people buy them instead of making by themselves.If you get this job, you wear Santa Claus costume and selling the cakes to the customers. Don’t you get excited to be a Santa Claus and feel like you’re giving Christmas gifts to the customers?
You can get well paid average 850yen to 1,000 yen/hour.
2.Working at Winter Resorts
We have snow season in Japan from December to next February and especially Hokkaido (Niseko) and Nagano (Hakuba) are the most popular places that many foreign tourists coming to enjoy winter sports (skiing, snowboarding) or to see the snow.People say these 2 places “Foreigners Village” due to so many foreign tourists gather in winter.
For instance, Australian tourists visit winter season in Japan as they have summer holidays in the same terms. Normally they stay in Japan about 2weeks or 1 month to enjoy the snow. South-eastern Asian tourist also come since they don’t have snow.Many foreigners come to these places for snow since some countries don’t have enough snow even in winter season.According to above situations, the companies are welcome to hire foreigners this winter season need support to communicate by English at the hotel front desks with foreign tourists. You can get well paid for average 900yen to 1,000 yen/hour.
Advantages for Working at Winter Resort
- You can stay and have meals at the hotel for free
- You can use English and also Japanese while working so you can build up your skill of Japanese as well.
- If there are onsen (hot spring) at the hotel, you can also use it
- You can meet new people to make friends
- You can ski/snowboarding for free
You must know that you need to stay the hotel which you work for few days or few weeks. If you can stay there for couple of days, why don’t you try this job?
3.Working at the Post Office
Do you write letters to your families or friends sometimes who lives in your home countries?
Every letters or packages must go through the post office and there is a brief period part-time jobs in winter season in Japan.
Many people send New Year’s Day post cards to their relatives, friends, colleagues, boss arrive January 1st to January 3rd.
This is the traditional occasion in Japan that people express their thanks for the relationship of the previous year and note their recent news briefly on the post cards.
Normally people buy New Year’s Day post cards originally made in post office which come with special lottery numbers.
According to this occasion, the post office get very busy from the end of December though early in January every year so they try to hire people as part-time jobs for special support.
There are 2 types of job style:
1.Outside Duty
You need to ride bicycle or motorcycle to deliver the New Year’s cards to each houses. You need to be outside most of the time (freezing) so people who have good strength are required.
It’s not easy job but if you think this way that you’re delivering the gifts like Santa Claus, don’t you think it’s important task?
2.Desk Duty
You need sorting out the New Year’s Day cards.It’s quite simple work so you can do it even you don’t have much skill of Japanese.The post office start recruiting around October ever year.People who can work long terms are very welcomed and may easilyPeople who can work long terms are very welcomed and may easily hired.The average payment is 940yen to 1,200yen.The average payment is 940yen to 1,200yen.You must know that you need to work New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Holidays so these works are for the people who can stay Japan this term.
You must know that you need to work New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Holidays so these works are for the people who can stay Japan this term.However, it’s very valuable experience that you can see the system of it. However, it’s very valuable experience that you can see the system of post office in Japan which is not everyone can have that chance.
Hopefully now you see what kind of part-time jobs in winter season in Japan.Don’t you think it serves a dual purpose that have some cash and experience enjoy Japanese culture?
It will be the big chance to enhance your experience value.Try once!
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