You Don’t Have To Order Sushi at Sushi Restaurant
Do you like raw fish? And do you like sushi? Sushi is now well known as Japanese signature dish in the world. However, some people are still resistant to it (don’t worry, some Japanese people same, too) and they might not think they may go to sushi restaurant. That is not true. Several conveyor belt sushi restaurant chains also have abundant side dishes, and they think their customers may get full only by these dishes. If you can’t eat sushi but are interested in conveyor belt sushi, you should try these below.
Must-Try ① French Fries
French fries at sushi restaurant might be the kind surprise to you. However, it is not surprising because the restaurant also serves tempura which is cooked at each location. Though it depends on individuals, some people think sushi restaurant’s French fries are more delicious than fast food restaurant’s one. It is said that several high school students stop by there to have a snack instead of fast food chains. It is also good to order it as an appetizer, and if you want to have freshly-fried, you should order yours.
Must-Try ② Noodles
Because the restaurant has several kinds of seafood, it can also serve miso soup and noodles which are particular about broth. For example, the miso ramen below is made by shrimp broth and boiled shrimp is also added. Therefore, other flavors are also available; Shio ramen with cream broth, short ramen with bonito broth, etc. Each noodle dish is quite smaller, and you can still try other dishes includes dessert. However, you need to know these are quite expensive than sushi; cost around 200 yen each.
Must-Try ③ Coffee After Meal
Traditional sushi restaurant serve offers green tea after a meal and so do conveyor belt sushi restaurant (you can get free water/green tea there). However, these chains have been offering coffee instead of green tea these days. Some restaurant grinds coffee bean at each location, and another restaurant trying to adjust its taste to matched with its sushi. You may order it with dessert and stay there as café, or you may also take it to your car, home, or office. Moreover, some restaurant accepts order it at the cashier, and it might be its countermeasures to CVS’s coffee. They are basically available at almost all locations, but you need to check how about your nearest restaurant before you visit.