A Quick Guide to Different Types of Tofu
Have you ever wondered how tofu is made and the difference between distinct types of tofu? Read our guide to tofu and start making use of this great ingredient!
The Best Buys From Nitori For Under 1000 Yen!
Have you ever been to Nitori? As one of Japan's biggest home retailers, it has many high-quality steals all for under 1000 yen; here are five of our favorites!
10 Money Saving Tips for an International Student in Japan
Living in Japan on a student budget can be a challenge but there are some useful saving tips that can help you to survive in this expensive country.
Series! Exploring Tokyo for 1,000 Yen or Less: Kichijoji
Kichijoji is a scenic area to the west of Tokyo. And while it sounds impossible, spending the day in Kichijoji on a budget of less than 1,000 Yen is very doable!