Why Do Japanese People Love All You Can Drink & Eat?
All you can eat and drink is no longer a taboo thing in Japan, so why do they really into the tabehoudai?
The Taking Off Shoes Ritual in Japan
[:en]Why do people take their shoes off in Japan? Foreigners who visit or live in Japan may already know that Japanese people take off their shoes at the entrance of their house. This article will show you the backgrounds of taking off the shoes in Japan.[:it]Se vivi in Giappone o hai avuto l'opportunità di andare a casa di qualche amico giapponese conoscerai sicuramente il rituale del togliersi le scarpe. [:]
Why are Japanese So Obsessed with the V Sign?
[:en]If you’re a foreigner who lives in Japan or have just visited Japan, have you ever seen Japanese people making V signs when taking pictures? Here is why this trend is so common.[:it]Ogni "Cheeeeeeeeese!" è accompagnato dal gesto a V in Giappone. Hai mai pensato al perché di questo gesto? Questo articolo te ne mostrerà la ragione storica![:]