Weekly News in Japan
This week’s news article is here to report the latest COVID news, Japan’s prime minister getting in trouble because of his son and Japan’s immigration law revision.
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Osaka And Several Other Region Are No Longer In The State of Emergency
The Japanese government is expected to leave the state of emergency in Aichi, Gifu, Osaka, Kyoto, Hyogo and Fukuoka leaving the capital area that includes Tokyo, Chiba, Kanagawa and Saitama only area where the SOE hasn’t been removed.
Aichi, Gifu, Osaka, Kyoto, Hyogo and Fukuoka have seen a substantial decrease in the COVID cases making it more or less safe to lift the state of emergency. So have the capital area although not to the same extent. It seems that the people living there have to wait until March 7.
Source: The Japan Times
COVID Vaccination Scams
The Japanese Consumer Affairs Agency has launched a hotline to deal specifically with COVID-related scams. So far, there have been only ten inquiries but Consumer Affairs Agency wanted to act preemptively since older citizens -the next group in the vaccination line after the medical workers – often become the victims of scams. The vaccination for older people is expected to start on April 12.
Source: The Japan Times
Prime-Minister’s Son Is Involved In The Violation of Ethics
Here comes another hit to Suga’s already declining approval ratings. The Japanese prime-minister admitted that his son who is working for the video production company Tohoku Shinsha had 37 dinners with the members of the Communication Ministry. The company’s satellite division might have clear benefits from having the ministry on their side hence the violation of ethics acquisitions. Seven ministry officials received pay cuts, two were warned, and two were reprimanded.
Source: NHK World
Revision Of The Immigration Law
The ruling party of Japan LDP proposed new amendments to the immigration law. The amendments touch particularly those who are detained in Japan’s immigration facilities. Under the current law, people who refused deportation have to be detained at these facilities often under strict conditions but the new is supposed to ease it and let people stay with their families or NGOs if the chance of them “running away is low”. The opposition still believes that it is not enough because the government still can force refugees out of Japan which goes against the UN convention. They submitted their amendments to the law this week.
Source: NHK World