In these days, it is said that corona virus situation will bring us to the Great Economic Recession. We are standing in the tight corner waiting until the virus stamped out. Since we have nothing to do and had to stay at home, we also hope that you are enjoying quarantine time. However, it is up to you whether you take this time and situation as a chance to work hard or, just spend the time being unproductive.
If you are working hard enough and happy with your income, you don’t need to read this article. Although Guidable Inc. is welcomed to help you get job and support your salary increase.
We must increase our market value in order to get paid more.
Imagine… that you are the CEO of the company, you want to grow your service. We are sure that you want to hire someone eligible and hard working.
What kind of people you would like to employ if there are no other information you can only do the interview online and going through applications?
Let you think a while and list up some skills or quality you seek for people.
【Some tips to find you a Good job that meet your condition】
In Japan, there are lots of qualifications that prove your knowledge and help you get jobs with great salary. Though it may be painstaking studying to get, is it worth for you try for your skill-up and increase your salary.
The time you spend for your qualification, it also proves of efforts you can make and take for your aim.
Here are statistics data that adults do not spend enough time for studying.
According to the Forbes, we, as an adult slightly spend more time in leisure activities and almost no time in studying. We are working way too hard compare to the students.
The ways to break down this circumstance, we should increase the efficiency and study more.
This is not enough but here is the fun fact below that Japanese are usually seen as diligent but they only study 6 min/day according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.(Reference
Now, we’d like to introduce you 8 types of qualifications which will help your future career design
1. National Government Licensed Guide Interpreter
(Fees: 11,700yen※ If taking two languages: 23,400yen)
This certification proves that you guide tourist around the city in Japan with no support. You need to take certain scores in each of the subjects. This subject includes English, Japanese Geography, Japanese History. Though it is said that passing this exam is difficult, this is the certificate for Guide Interpreter, being able to speak English and Japanese makes it much easier. You have advantage if you are bilingual!!
2.TOBIS (Licensed Business Interpreter)
(Fees -Consecutive interpretation: 12,000yen, Simultaneous interpretation: 15,000yen, Both exam 25,000yen)
If you are familiar using English and Japanese in business, BINGO! This certification tests you if you can interpret Japanese into English (vice versa). Taking this certification proves the way for you to be active in trading business or foreign-based enterprises. Check the link if you’re interested in interpreting!
3. Secretarial Skill Proficiency Test
(Fees: Level one 6,500yen, Pre-level one 5,300yen, Level two 4,100yen, Level three 2,800yen, Pre-level one& two 9,400yen, Pre-level two & three 6,900yen)
Secretarial manners help you understand Japanese peculiar manner. This certification is not only for those who want to be secretary but also for those who want to learn Japanese business manners. Roughly speaking, it is said that passing this exam takes 60 hours of studying.
Basically, average salary for secretary is estimated 3200000yen~4000000yen/year.
If you are interested to get manners to get promoted or find some jobs, why don’t you check this link out??
4. Qualification for sales person
(Fees: Level one 7,850yen, Level two 5,770yen, Level three 4,200yen)
If you are eager to learn the system of retailers and distribution, this helps you significantly! Also, this exam is versatile that you can learn marketing, consulting of sales and planning of management.
Though it depends on how you learn to get certification, it is said that roughly takes 50 hours if you study it efficiently. Average salary for sales career is estimated 4000000yen.
5. Third, Hazardous material engineer
(Fees: 乙4exam-4,600yen update fee photo in 10yrs-1,600yen, update addresses and other information-700yen)
It ensures you can handle hazardous substances such as oils and chemistries.
Taking this certification makes it easier for you to find some jobs concerning chemical industries. There are mainly three types of level in the exam named “甲” “乙” “丙“. In these three levels, two of them can be taken by anyone except for the one requiring university degrees. To take ”乙”, for about 60~80hours should be devoted.
Though it seems like pretty hard task to take it, being certified as a Hazardous material engineer helps you earn a good wage for a long time.
6. MOS(Microsoft Office Specialist)
(Fees:9,800yen~11,800yen for each subject)
This certification qualifies you have skills to get the most out of Microsoft Office software such as Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel.
According to the official website of Microsoft, “MOS certification can earn an entry-level business employee as much as $16,000 more in annual salary than uncertified peers.”
This exam takes format of live simulation and you have to make use of Microsoft office to demonstrate that you have enough skills to perform a series of tasks.
It is worth trying to get MOS certification if you like to use computer in your work and get the most out of your potential ability!
7. Web designer certification
(Fees: Level one – Academic: 7,000yen / Practical: 25,000yen, Level two – Academic: 6,000yen / Practical: 12,500yen(35 or more) 7,000yen(under 35), Level three – Academic : 5,000yen / Practical:5,000yen(35 or more) 3,000yen(under 35))
You don’t have that much knowledge about so called ”IT”? No worries. In the process acquiring this certification, you can learn how to design web sites.
Though it really depends on your basic skills to use computer but, about 50 hours is the average studying time to get this certification.
Remembering reference makes it possible to pass the exam.
8. IT passport
If you want to learn basic system and acquire wide knowledge about IT, this certification helps a lot. You can expect passing this by studying 100 hours or more.
Though there are a lot of words used in IT industry, you can comprehend what these words stand for and how Internet works. We recommend this who have already sit in or want to start working in office using computer. The exam is conducted in the form of CBT(Computer Based Testing).
We can brush up our skills while we have enough time
Please let us know if you would like to take any of this qualification! We would like to take a survey and cheer your skill-up education. If you answer the survey below, we will send you ¥300 amazon gift card or send free trial videos of original qualification lessons.