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When you miss the last train in Japan, what do you do? In Japan, even in big city like Tokyo, the last train finishes around midnight. If you have a drink with friends, it is easy to miss the last train…Don’t worry the Japanese major cities never sleep. Here are some options to kill the time till the first train when you encounter this problem.
Capsule Hotel
This is a type of accommodation, but not like the individual room. It provides you a very small space just for sleeping (like a capsule or coffin size), however, some may have a wider type. Each capsule contains, in general, small TV, Radio, personal light, wifi connection etc,…Since they usually have an option for the floor only for women, so if you are not sure about the security, it is very much safe. But the problem would be that it is getting popular accommodation for tourists because of the reasonable price, hence it might be difficult to book the place in the popular like Tokyo.
Manga-Kissa or Internet Cafe
They usually offer you an individual space that you can read and do the internet. Most of the place gives you a drink service that you can drink as much as you want to. In addition, there would be a shower room as well. It would be a cheaper option comparing to Capsule Hotel, however, the room would be the size that you can just stretch your legs out.
Please see the previous articles about the detail;
24 hours Open Onsen (Public Hot Spring Bath)
If you want to relax in more spacious place, this would be an option. “Super Sento” usually offers not only a public bath but also massage and restaurant. They might have a lounge that you can watch movies and music. You can sleep there too. Even you need to go to work the following day, you can fresh up though your clothes are same as the day before.
Do you think Karaoke is only for a group? You can also go there by yourself too. The individual room is arranged for you so that you can even sleep there not necessary singing. But it might be a bit noisy with other customers if you wish to sleep there. And remember there is no facility like shower and/or bath.
Go to drink more in the bar or restaurant opens 24 hours
Some bar or restraint might be opened 24 hours…so if you are still with your friends who also miss the last train, why don’t you go there and have some more drink.
Of course, you might want to consider and compare the cost of each option…and getting into a taxi to go home might be a better option as well. But for your information, remember there are some places that you can go if you miss the last train!
Yuko Murakami